As many of you will have heard, we are going to have a ‘small’ one off show at the MECA in Swindon Saturday 7th March 2020. This will also have a different format to our normal shows and will take the form of a shorter show with the audience seated at tablets, followed by buffet meal, raffle and then a disco.
1pm – Junior and Senior dancers arrive for rehearsals at MECA
4pm – Little Ones arrive for rehearsals at MECA
6pm – Change into costumes/Audience arrive
6.30pm – 8pm – Show
8pm – Buffet Meal
9pm – 10.30pm – Disco
Full details for the event including how to buy tickets will be available in the next couple of weeks. The tickets costs will be £15 for adults and £10 for children (inclduing those taking part in the show)
Could you please return the tear off slip on this document, with £10 per child taking part by 2nd February